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Alastair Welcomes New Citizens to Australia

Alastair with Mayor Ebbick and Dr Nelson
It was a great honour to be asked to be guest speaker at the Ku-ring-gai Council Citizenship Ceremony on 28 February 2008. My job was to give a speech welcoming new citizens to Australia.

The hall was full of people, some were there to swear allegiance (promise to be good Australians) to Australia and the rest were family and friends. Also there was the Hon. Dr. Brendan Nelson, MP and Leader of the Opposition.

My speech went down pretty well. I told everyone how it's great being in a multi-cultural country and what it means to be Australian. I also poked fun, in a nice way, at my mum liking weird English food, like blackpudding, although English lollies are THE best! But, I didn't do what my mum wanted and tell everyone to be good drivers because she reckons that Aussie drivers are the worst in the world!

Dr. Nelson is a really great bloke and very easy to talk to. Mayor Ebbick is pretty mad - he's great fun and made sure the evening had a great atmosphere. Afterwards everyone had a drink in the Mayor's office which was tiny compared to our Mayor's office at Baulkham Hills Council.