Our Tips For Your Pond
- Until you introduce frogs or fish, be sure to keep your pump on at regular intervals. Mosquitoes will breed heavily until there is a threat.
- We turned off our pump whilst we had frog spawn (the jelly-like frog eggs which are laid in big floating clumps)
- We recommend 'White Mountain Cloud' fish. They are friendly, small fish and won't eat frog spawn but they have an appetite for Mosquito larvae!
- Don't buy Goldfish! They eat frog spawn and frogs like the taste of Goldfish eggs.
- Make sure the plants you buy are frog friendly - they love bromeliads, in fact some frogs live in bromeliads.
- Don't forget water plants for your pond. Your plant nursery will help you choose the right ones. Be careful of buying lilies...they like deep water, lots of sun and bigger ponds and won't flower unless they get these conditions.
- We have a surface weed called Lemna growing on our pond also...this is brilliant as the fish and taddies like eating it...just remember to remove some whenever it threatens to take-over the pond.
- Frogs eat flies and insects. They'll love you forever if you put a light near the pond which will attract insects to them....yumm!
If you want to build a pond, we're happy for you to email us with any questions you may have to: theteam@planetpatrol.info
If you already have a pond, we'd love you to tell us what you have living in it. You might have some good tips which we haven't thought of.
Alastair and Imogen